After a year we have been living and surviving a goblal pandemic. We forced a lot of changes and adaptations day by day. Between 22nd and 25th February, from Stuttgart we live R+T 2021, International Shutter, Gates and Sun Protection Trade Fair. Because this situations the organizing committee decided to virtualized the event this year. So, from, all of us could watch at live what it´s happening there.

R+T garthers, these days, 300 exhibitors from 19 countries. A virtual meeting where, thanks a wild conferences and forums program, exhibitors and visitors could interact and create perfect sinergies.  R+T 2021 is  characterized by its international nature, great veriety of products/services and conferences.


First fair day, 22nd February, it celebrates the R+T Innovations Awards. There are 38 candidates and divide them amoung 11 categories. In the morning, the jury watchs each video. At 18:30h will be celebrate the award ceremony. We could watch it in live by R+T Digital platform.

During the 23rd February, it celebrates te Innovation Day. All winners and rest of candidates will show their services/ideas/products in different conferences. All of them could be watched at R+T Digital platform.


24th February we could participate in some specialized forums where experts could exchange ideas, doubts, etc.

Gates: this forum shall show the lastest news abour automatic gates. After that, it will be a discuss round table.

Casas Conectadas: conseguir dirigir y controlar una casa siempre ha sido un reto, que a día de hoy, está en nuestra mano. Desde las 14:30 a las 17h una grupo de expertos participarán en “Vivir, trabajar en un mundo contactado: oportunidades para los oficios”

Connected Houses: to control and manage a house, it has been a challenge, that today it´s in our hands. Since 14:30 until 17h a expert group joins in the forum “Live and work in a connected world: challenges to get it”

R+T Alliance: some national associations will reflect and analyze about the actual situation, the future developments and challenges. From Spain, the APA (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Puertas) shall participate in it.

Everything  lives these days will be able to everyone in Look for your moment, but don´t lose it!

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