Cookies rules and information.
Cookie is a little text file that it´s saved in your navigastor when you visit a website. It´s used to remeber your visit when you come back to this page. Cookies save tecnhical information, personal whisses, content, stadistic of use, RRSS links, user account access, etc. The cookie want to adapt the web contat to your profile and needs., whitout cookies the services could change a lot. Ifyou want more information about what are the cookies, how do they save, how do they delete, etc… please follow the link.
Used cookies in this website.
We are following the rules of Agencia Española de Protección de atos, so we´re going to inform you about our cookies and their details.This website use the following own cookies:
Cookies session to ensure that all comments writing in the blog come from humans and not automatic aplications. It´s a way to fight spam.
This website use the following other cookies:
Google Analytics: Save cookies to do stadistics about web traffic and visits. When you visit our website you agree the Google uses of your information. So, if you want to change somthing about you have to contac Google directly.
Social Networks: Each social network use its own cookies to click “Like” or “Share”
Delete cookies
You could fulfil your right to deativate or delete the cookies of this website. We let you a fast guide to most popular navigators.
Extra notes
This website ant its legal representatives aren´t liable for its content and truth of privacity rules from others.
Web naviagator are settings to save cookies and form this place you have to fulfil your right to detele or deativate them. This webiste and legal representatives couldn´t guarantee the correct or not use of cookies from these navigators.
Sometimes it´s necessary to intall cookies to the navigator doesn´t forget your choice (not accept the cookies)
Google Analytics´ cookies save the cookies in servers located in United States and it promises to don´t share it with others, except when it´s necessary by law or correct working of the system. Google says that doesn´t save your IP. Google Inc. is adhered to Secure Access Agreement, then, your transfered datas are touched up with a protection level according European rules. if you need more information about Google´s cookies click this link. If you want o ask something about cookies rules, contact us at contact secction.
What is cookie?
Cookie is a little text file that it´s saved in your navigastor when you visit a website. It´s used to remeber your visit when you come back to this page. It has been used for 20 year ago, when first navigators starts with World Wide Web.
What isn´t a cookie?
It isnt´t a virus, troyan, spam, spyware…
What information does a cookie save?
Cookies don´t save delicate information about you like credit card numbers, bank details, photos, ID, etc. The saved information is technical info, whisses, contents, etc. The web server doesn´t associate you like a person but your web navigator. if you uses Internet Explorer always and now you change to Firefox or Chorme, the website doesn´t recognize you.
What do type of cookies exist?
Technical cookies: tey are the basic cookies and they help to know when it´s person or an authomatised app who visit the website.
Analytic cookies: take information about the website behavior of visitors.
Advertising cookies: they show publicity close to your priporities, country,e tc.
What are own cookies and other cookies?
Own cookies are created by the website you arr visiting and other cookies are generate by services or outside providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google…
What happen if do I deactive the cookies?
To understand the effect of deactivate cookies, we show you some examples:
You couldn´t share contents of that website in Facebook, Twitter or other social network. The website coudn´t be adapted to your priorities as e-commerce website happen.
You couldn´t access to your login area, our purchcase, etc.
It couldn´t consider your priorities (language, money, hour…)
Websit could´t get visitiors and traffic stadistics.
You could´t write a post, upload a pic, etc. Website doesn´t know if you are a person or a authomatised app.
Could be the cookies deleted?
Yes, you could delete them and block them. You have to go navigator settings and find the cookies of dominion and delete them.
Cookies setting in popular navigators.
Chorme Navitagor:
Go to configuration in Archive menu.
You´ll see different sections, select “Show advanced options”
Go to “Privacity” and “setting content”
Select “all cookies and website datas”
You´ll see a list of all cookies ordered by dominion. Search the cookie you want.
Select them an press X to delete them.
Internet Explorer:
Setting and Internet Options
Click in Privacity
Move the slider until the level that you want.
Go to options or Preferences.
Select Privacity
History you choose “Use a personlized setting to history”
You could select or not the cookies.
Safari to OSX:
Go to Preference and after that Privacity
You´ll see block cookies options.
Safari to iOS:
Go to settings, after thar Safari
Privacy and security, and you´ll see block cookies option.
Go to navigator and pusch “menu” and after tht “settings”
Go to Security and Privacy, select to active or not the cookies.
Windows Phone navigator:
Open Internet Explorer, after that More and Setting
Now you could activate or not the cookies