This Privacy Policy has all the condictions about Powermatic uses and salve the information that users give when they visit its website. This company is obliged to users security and their datas. When we invite you to fill in the forms that are used to identify you, we´ll do according this document´s terms. Otherwise, this Privacy Policy could change along the time and be updated. So we recommend you to review this page to be sure that your are agree with the changes.

Collected infomation

Our website could collect personal information like: Name, email or demographic information.

The use of this information

Our website gets the information to givo you the best service, to get a users control, purchase if it´s aviable, and improves our services and products. It´s possible that we send you email about our special offer sales, new products and other infomation interesting to you. These newsletters will be sent to the email address you give. It could be cancelled at any moment.
AUTOMATISMOS POWERMATIC SLU are obliged to keep with get the information saved. We use the newest system to be sure that itsn´t an unauthorised access.


Our cookies is an archive that it´s sent to be stored in your PC. When you accept it, the cookies get the information about your traffic inside the website, to help you in future accesses. They could reocognize you and give you a best service.
Our website uses this cookies to identify the pages are visited and the frecuency. The information is to stadistic used and after that, it´s delete at all. You could delete the cookies from you PC when you want.
You could accept or not the cookies use, so al navigatoros accept them automatically to bring a best service. You could set your PC to don´t accept the cookies.

Links to others

This web could hace links to other websites. When you click theses links and you are out of our website, we don´t have the control and we´ll not be responsible of your privacity. Those websites have their own privacity policy. We suggest to look it.

Control your information

Any time you could prohibid to use your personal, here.
This company doesn´t sell, givi up and distriute your information without your agreement, except for Justice order.
AUTOMATISMOS POWERMATIC SLU reserves its right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy.

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