It is difficult to have a video surveillance system well adapted to our needs. This sector has a large range of posibilities, so we could choose since a simple camera until  tricky installations with domotic devices.

Let´s go to see cameras, a device with a lot of posibilities and versions. What kind of cameras are there? What have we to know about them?… Today, we´re going to explain averything.


We could be lost inside the ocean of different models, so we have to be clear with the use of cameras.

To start the selection and dismiss models, we could think about the angle view that we´ll need. Then, we´ll know if we have to looking for big angle cameras, 360º, etc.

If we need something more sofisticated, we could find cameras that detect movements, or night view cameras.

Always you have to bear in mind cameras have to be configured, so if you get ones with easy setting, it´s avoid you to contact with qualified people to work them.


We´ll show you a cameras listing that you could find:

  • Inside Cameras: They are cheapest and easiest models that you´ll find.
  • Movement or Zoom Cameras: these are the best cameras if you want to control large areas.
  • Night View Cameras: they use a led system to get a good quality. These devices are so expensive.
  • Hiding Cameras: we are talking about integrated cameras inside different objets. They are used to police investigations and they are usefull to that.
  • IP Cameras: they are the most popular model at the moment. They could send images by Internet.
  • Tamper-proof Cameras: they have fixed cover mades by a strong material.
  • WIFI/Wireless Cameras: say goodbye to complex system and meters of wiring. These cameras work by batteries and don´t need power supplier.
  • Outside Cameras: they seem a tamper-proof camera but their are made to hold out bad weather.

Other listing is about the location. Then, we´ll have:

  • Cube Cameras: to outside areas.
  • Box Cameras: to inside areas.
  • Bullet Cameras: they are perfect to outside areas.
  • Domo Cameras: they are ready to outisde and inside areas as well.


There are some elements to bear in mind when we´ll fix our new cameras:

  • We have to find a visible place, then we´ll get a deterrent effect to thieves.
  • A great place to fix the cameras is the access ways. We have to be care that cameras don´t take image of private areas.
  • Perfect height is around 2.5m, we´ll get a great angle to have a good view and control.


A videosurveillance system could give you great advantages:

  • Since psychological view, a CCTV system could give you an extra calm and you´ll feel safier. It´s a derrent element.
  • We could control everything. The cameras record every moment 24/7.
  • To get a surveillance system doen´t mean that you have to pay a lot of money.  You´ll find a differents prices, since a simple installation until complex with domotic devices.
  • Images recorded give us aditional information to help with community problems.


Probably, when you ´re goin to get a camera, you could buy a complete CCTV kit.  It´s a great option, that you´ll find everyting to have and manage a surveillance system. There are some elements you will bear in mind:

  • Recorder: it informs about number of channels, cameras that system shall have.
  • Connectivity: today the WIFI CCTV is the best option.
  • Image Quality: we suggest to get a HD camera to 1080 px.
  • Hard Disk : to save the images, 1TB is enought to 8 channels instalation.

We hope to clear your mind and help you to get a good decision.

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