Are you thinking to install a surveillance system at your home or community? If you gonna do it, don´t forget to inform about the file created in Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD)

This article informs you about the steps you have to do to register your files in AEPD. There are two ways, with or without digital certificate. Today, we´ll see “without digital certificate”

AEPD telematic system is called NOTA. First of all we have to access to AEPD website .

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

When we have selected “Iniciar una nueva Identificación” we need to define our file. Public or private? Choose your options and click “sin certificado” mode to start the order.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

First information, we have to compete, is about people/company who goes to register the file, and the datas to future notifications.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

After that, we register the name and contact of file´s responsible. It could coincide with the declarant or not.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

When we have completed all, NOTA system gives us an identification number. It´s usefull to resume the register if we have to leave it in the middle of process.

We have to choose between “alta de fichero/new file” “modificación/modify” and “supresión/delete”. If we click “alta de fichero” we could choose “formulario tipo/stardar form” and subcategory wissed. An assistant is activated and it shall guide us during the process.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

Select “Comunidad de Propietarios/Community” and we go thought differents points. They don´t have to be touched unless we want to change some datas. These parts are:

  • Opposition, access, modify or delete rights.
  • Data processing´s responsible.

Next step we´ll define our file. We have to write the file name and objetive.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

Now, we have to inform about the data origin and the interested groups. Application offers short-listed options, but we could modify them if we need it.

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

When we have to choose the data, structure and file content, we have to keep in mind the objetive.

Penultimate step is about the security level. Basic, medium or high? You choose!

sistema NOTA de la Agencia Española de Protección de DAtos

Finally, we have to dowload the notofication and send it to Agencia de Protección de Datos

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos

Calle Jorge Juan 6. 28001, Madrid.

If you have some doubts, Powermatic shall help you!


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