Prevention of offenses is a continous challenger to all communities. The high class residential areas and houses that are empty during the day are the focus of thieves. Also, the tourist appartments are a goal to thieves because they are emplty during the autumn and winter.

If we follow a criminology theory, to offense happens, it´s necessary 3 situationn:

  • A motivated thief.
  • Existing goal.
  • No one who could takes action.

This situation isn´t casual, there are some moments and places where these 3 conditions happen.

Do you know that 78% of crimminal case are about property offense?

The thief is a rational person who gets decisions based in profits and costs. So our goal, with this prevention planninf, is to tilt the balance foward costs. So, we have the technology advantages to get it.

Our prevention project is elaborated to reforce the security of our community  from outside to inside.


The most important thing to prevention, at community outside, is to have a perimetral walls. So, the best options is to have a fence made in metal or  masonry.

It´s necessary that the perimetre has only one entrace, close to the security office, than people just can enter and exit by the same entrance. Also, you should be identificated when you don´t have the remote control to enter.

The identification is necessary to taxi drivers and maintenance personal. This is a good solutions because with less access, more control.

This simple access, always that you could do it, is recommeded at night, for explamle since 12 a.m until 6 a.m.


Our proyect works to reforce the access control systems. There are some options:

  • When you go to collect a reomte control or key you have to identify yourself to get it.
  • These devices have an unique serial number.
  • We associate echa remote control with the owner and appartment. The if the remote is lost or stolen we could cancel or replace it.

Powermatic has a antypassback system. You just could enter if you have entered in the opposite sense in the same gate. Then you could access if you have existed before. Also you could exit if your has registered your entrace before.

Other usefull system is a card of events. In this case, the entrance and exist are register with the serial number of the remote, the date and hour to a future check.

Last innovation is the electronic cylinder; it has a time control to limit the access. It´s very usefull to control access to swiming pool area. Also, when you a have a neighbord that doesn´t pay the community taxes, you could cancell the access to: swimming pool, gym, socialclub, etc.

Likewise, it´s very usefull to cleaner sercvices whre you could give a key with time control and the person could access in a limit time.


Este aumento de seguridad tiene distintos objetos;

  • The incresase of the number of guardians 24 hours, because a lot of thieves act when the house is alone.
  • Surveillance cameras have to been installed in priority places.
  • The increase of street lighting helps the surveillance. It helps the guardian vision and the resolution of CCTV cameras.
  • The taxi drivers and maintenance personal identifications is very important.

It´s important to inform to all neightbords about the prohibitions and duties. You could install panels with all these informations.

If we put panel of surveillance areas, according with data protection rules, it´s a good solutions to deterrence the possible thieves.

La principal vía de entrada a las urbanizaciones o viviendas suelen ser los propios propietarios o inquilinos de las comunidades. Una acción que no tiene coste para la comunidad y es de lo  más efectiva es:

The first guilties to break the security rules are the own neightbords. There are some actions that help to be care:

  • No abrir a nadie desconocido.
  • Don´t open to unknowed people
  • No entregar dispositivos de acceso como llaves y mandos a terceros.
  • Dont´t bring the access devices to others.
  • If we the unknowed person with a strage attitude you should have to inform security guardian or police.

Powernatic installs and addapat our prevention planning to your needs.

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